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Windows Mobile 5.0 Application Security


Every Windows Mobile–based device implements a set of security policies that determine whether an application is allowed to run and, if allowed, with what level of trust. To develop an application for a Windows Mobile–based device, you need to know what the security configuration of your device is. You also need to know how to sign your application with the appropriate certificate to allow the application to run (and to run with the needed level of trust).

What are the easiest method to sign with the 'Mobile2Market unpliviledge certificate' some DLL/EXE/CAB, and what does it cost ? Things are getting confusing across all blog/forum/faq I read up to now. What I understood is there is a 4 steps process to get this done : 1- Sign-up to http://www.mobile2market.net/ (what requirement ? Hotmail/Passport account ? ...) 2- Get a customer certificate here for instance (pay xxx $) : http://www.geotrust.com/codesigning/smartphone/order.htm 3- Sign each DLL/EXE/CAB with the customer certificate 4- Re-sign each DLL/EXE/CAB with an 'event' certificat here (pay another xxx $) : http://www.geotrust.com/products/signing_services/code_signing.asp

alt link util pentru mobile devices: http://www.microsoft.com/communities/newsgroups/list/en-us/default.aspx?dg=microsoft.public.windowsce.app.development&cat=en_us_087e3d88-8d55-4335-885e-ce6de1631cd4&lang=en&cr=us

Vtech Group

V-tech Tuning GbR (www.v-tech-tuning.de) is a company registered in Unna/Dortmund, NRW, Germany. We have subsidiaries in Sweden (www.vtech.se) Poland (www.vtech.pl)Spain (www.vtech-tuning.es) and Denmark (www.vtechtuning.dk).We produce chiptuning solutions, files, powerboxes, ecoboxes, and rolling roads.

Chiptuning RO

Cei mai buni din RO: http://www.chiptuning.ro/
La distribuitori ma aflu si eu :)

Grant Permissions to Folders and Assemblies

The following procedures grant full trust permissions to an assembly or folder in a Visual Studio Tools for Office solution. Normally, you grant permissions to a specific assembly. If you have several assemblies, and you are certain that the location is secure, you can grant full trust to the folder where the assemblies are located. If you grant trust to the folder, all the assemblies in that folder and its subfolders are also trusted.



Integrated Windows Authentication

Pentru un Web Service am nevoie de securitate/autentificare. Plecand de la linkul http://www.code-magazine.com/article.aspx?quickid=0307071&page=3
am 'injghebat' o metoda destul de buna pentru a-mi proteja metodele de pe un Web Service (directorul WebSecurity).

Sentru securitate parola se foloseste protocolul HTTPS:
  • HTTP - Hyper text transfer protocol
  • HTTPS- HTTP with Socket Secure Layer (SSL), content are encrypted before tranmitting over the internet.
Foarte interesant in proiect si cum se poate folosi session in web service.


Prima iesire la aer

L-am scos putin la aer in fata casei. Era cam vant. Asteptam vara :)


S-a nascut primul meu copil

Sa nascut serban.

O poza chiar din maternitate.

Aici o poza dupa ce l-am adus acasa. Am luat si eu 5 zile de concediu si am stat cu ei acasa. Toate bune si frumoase :)